What is close communication?

Effective emotion to inspire outstanding communications and to convey the right message.
True information as essential basis together with each company or brand own values.
Necessary proximity to all components that make the communication map up.
To focuss on what to do for clients,  emphasising how to do it.

Communication that
connects us

close communication is an independent comprehensive communication consultancy. Over 25 years, we have developed a working style based on achieving results through personalization and emotion.

A team in harmony,
a communication style with personality

We love to communicate well to make our clients and partners feel like repeating away.
With us, near, close. Always with Laura Pujol’s personal touch.

Shall we start?

The closeconcept present

We believe in faithful and Clean
relationships. We believe in buiLding
consistent and Onglasting ties.
We believe in the willingneSs to serve,
in being involvEd and committed to it.
We believe that it’s possible the perfect
synergy tactiCs and strategies.
We believe in taylor-made work, up to
the tiniest detaiL. We believe in a different kind
of communicatiOn, a 5-senSes type (being the
common sense a plus) to touch people’s
nerve string. Always thEre. CLOSE

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