Es gibt viele Faktoren, die den Preis einer Aufgabe bestimmen. Dazu gehören die Frist, das akademische Niveau und die Komplexität.hausarbeit schreiben lassen preise Darüber hinaus ist die Qualität des Dienstes eine weitere wichtige Überlegung. Vertrauenswürdige Unternehmen haben transparente Preissysteme und ermöglichen es Kunden, den Preis gegebenenfalls anzupassen.

close communication is an independent global communications consultancy. Throughout more than 25 years, we have developed a working style based on achieving good results through personalisation and emotion.

Efficient emotion to impulse an
outstanding communication that
conveys the right message.

Our raw material is information
but also the values of each company
or brand.

Our clients perfectly know
what we can do for them but
they specially know how important
is to us how we do it.  



close communication is integrated by a flexible and multidisciplinar teamd with the lead of Laura Pujol, keen on languages, communication and marketing. Her CV, the dozens of projects she’s worked in, her constant contact with media, journalists and creative experts are the main ingredients of her know-how as far as global communication strategies design is concerned. She knows well the worlds of advertising and public relations: she is also an specialist in organising corporate trips and international events.

She believes in nearness, transparency and in giving her personal touch to whatever she does.